döfix - room for creativity

döfix - Room for creativity !!!

Get inspired by döfix Döhlemann GmbH - a leading manufacturer of window covering supplies.

With a unique mixture of designs, technology and materials, döfix offers a variety of high end workroom products.

Up till now, we have developed more than 400 quality items, from iron-on linings, assembling systems to production accessories. Our competitive products and iron-on series, in particular, result in professional- looking, stitch less and pucker free designs. They are, strong bonding, washable and dry cleanable. Thanks to these remarkable features, it is possible to take away the workroom tension while exploring the creativity of both designers and workers to the greatest extent.

Our products are not only applicable in making high end window coverings but also provide solutions for tight and irregular space applications and extraordinary 3D effects. Our products are well received by a wide range of customers, from large commercial fabricating plants to home- based workrooms in more than 35 countries.

Explore new possibilities - push the limits of creativity !!!

döfix - Room for creativity!